Most of us have experience of workshop facilitation, either as a participant or as the workshop leader.  Equally we have all witnessed good and less-than-good facilitators!  But have you ever considered what the skills of the best...

Have you ever felt that you just cant predict the best course of action? Have you ever been frozen, unable to make a decision as you’re overwhelmed by the complexity of the situation? In an environment of complexity and pressure, it is more...

In the ongoing quest to unlock the puzzle of high performance, researchers are continually on the lookout for new insights. Ex-footballer (soccer) and performance specialist, Rasmus Ankersen is one such person. He spent six months living and...

Got all your 360 feedback results, delivered your conversations but now dont know how to create, collate, let alone track your development plans? We’ve got a solution for you. Building on the success of our customised 360...

Over the past few years I have been fortunate to work as an Executive Coach with Head Coaches of Elite Sport at the Victorian Institute of Sport and a VFL Club. I say fortunate because, other than my family, sport is my passion. For almost 20...

Recent research published in the June 2012 issue of the Harvard Business Review has uncovered seven seismic shifts required for managers to become leaders. According to Michael Watkins (well known for his book The First 90 Days: Critical Success...

Over the last few months, the concept of flow has been a recurring theme in my coaching and own professional development. I have been reflecting on those moments in my professional, personal and sporting lives where things seemed almost...

Are you part of a high performing team? Would you know how to become one? If you answered yes you’re probably in the minority. While many people (and the literature) espouse the importance of a high performing team, nobody really tells you how to...

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