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The dance with your top talent you didn't know you were about to have. Metaphorically, the sun is shining on Australia right now. Here in Melbourne we continue to reap the benefits of our hard COVID lockdown and, along with our neighbours in other...

Building a culture of deliberate conversations in your team. Over the years, many teams have achieved a lot by osmosis. The benefits of co-location have meant that critical information about changing project timeframes was shared around the coffee...

A simple practice for self-care and peak performance in a busy day On the yoga mat this morning I was reminded of the value of the moments ‘in between’. For the duration of our led-practice today we focused on these precious moments — the moment...

“It takes a village” How many times have you heard this phrase?  Probably quite often, and generally in relation to raising children. And what does it mean?  In our experience, quite a few things: First and foremost, that you can’t do...

How do you find funerals? I have spent much of my life skilfully avoiding them. I have been blessed to belong to a family that has had good longevity and my parents and siblings are all still alive. I have also been blessed with having a...

Over the last few weeks we have been listening... - listening to groups of leaders in a global organisation talk about the challenges they face in their role on a day to day basis. Some of these leaders are senior executives and some work in...

The unintended consequences of an 'on-demand' world Lately we’ve been thinking about patience – yes that’s right – patience.  So very 20th century of us we know but somehow we think the value of patience has been lost.  Patience used to...

I recently had the good fortune to go to the Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band concert. I am not particularly a fan, but acknowledge ‘The Boss’ as one of the great rockstars of my lifetime and wanted to learn more. Well, what an experience...

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