How we work

Change – the speed of change – is shaping our world. We must do much more with far less time and resources, and leaders must respond by constantly adapting their organisations. Solving these issues is the foundation of Influence for Change (i4C).

OUR value promise is lived every day

We do what we say, we collaborate, and we know our industry inside-out so we can deliver real and sustained change. For our clients we are true ‘thought partners’: willing and able to collaborate and co-design solutions that are fit for your purpose. 

The 5D project methodology

i4C’s approach to our engagement is guided by our proprietary 5D integrated project methodology:

  • 1Discover
  • 2Design
  • 3Development
  • 4Deliver
  • 5Debrief

We know that requirements are rarely set in stone and often evolve over the course of the project.  At each stage we ensure we meet your needs and expectations, a methodology that ensures we deliver quality outcomes that match your requirements. 

i4c 5D graphic

Influence 4 Change