
From early career through to executive levels, the needs of top talent change as they move through different stages of their career journey. Influence for Change (i4C) tailors an approach to fit different needs, bringing together evidence-based tools, engaging approaches and contemporary thinking.

Our approach

Our tools provide strong predictive capacity to give true insight into the future capability of your top talent. Combined with our conversational approach, Influence for Change is able to enhance engagement and retain your top talent throughout the process.

Talent identification and development

Find: i4C gives you more objective data, which informs long-term thinking and decision-making about how you deploy your talent pool. This leads to more credible outcomes with employees, managers and executives, and enhances confidence in the talent identification and development process. 

Grow: Assessments about potential are made on a ‘whole person’ view rather than just current performance. These assessments answer the question ‘what does talent look like here?’ Once future talent is identified, we then match future capability requirements to your organisation’s business strategy.

Keep: Implementation is critical, and talent management is an ongoing activity built into the fabric of your business processes. Future talent development plans are created, monitored, and then properly implemented for deeply embedded growth.

Genuinely independent tools and techniques

i4C is not locked into any proprietary approaches; we offer true independence, collaboration, and customised content and processes. All our psychometric assessment tools are administered by Influence for Change’s accredited practitioners. These include: SHL suite; Hogan Assessment suite; Career Path Appreciation (BIOSS); Center for Creative Leadership Benchmarks for Leaders suite; and The Leadership Circle Profile and the Human Synergistics LSI. 

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Influence 4 Change