
Now more than ever, we need strategic and practical solutions to create resilient and agile organisations. Influence for Change (i4C) helps define what your culture needs to be, creates plans to put that change in place, and embeds the culture, long term. 

Our approach

Trust and partnership are central to 9ur organisational culture framework. i4c leverage rigorous, evidence-based approaches and methods with a human-centred design approach using tools such as the Collective Leadership Assessment (CLA), Organisational Culture Inventory (Human Synergistics), Cultural Values Assessment (Barrett) and Learning Agility Assessment (Burke). Our robust outcomes are assessed not only on your outcomes, but also how well we have transferred knowledge, skill and learning to your teams.

Culture development

Define: We work to deeply understand your current culture and identify critical areas for change. Developed from the vision, strategy and direction of your organisation, we define a shared view of the future culture.

Align: Then, we deploy a rigorous alignment process across the organisation. Within the heart of your teams we identify the shifts that need to happen: the mindset, behaviours, symbols, systems and work practices that ultimately translate into action.

Sustain: Once this is done, we deploy the mechanisms needed to sustain your redesigned culture. We help you sustain and further develop culture to ensure it provides ongoing competitive advantage for genuine, long-term results.

Build an adaptable culture with a competitive edge. Contact…

Influence 4 Change