Influence for Change (formerly LTA People) are in the transformation business. We work  with organisations, teams, and individuals to strengthen their ability to anticipate and respond to complex contexts, shape their culture, and drive lasting change.

Influence for Change (i4C); a strategic transformation consultancy.

We help organisations and leaders develop the skills and mindset to thrive in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world.

What we do

Develop a shared understanding of the why and how of your organisation. With expertise and insight, Influence for Change (i4c) works within complex organisational systems to build culture. We work with you to design strategic, integrated and practical solutions to create long-term sustainability. Discover more...
Unlock the potential of your leaders. Our bespoke leadership development programs build capability for your future success. Influence for Change (i4c) design and deliver leadership development solutions which create sustained change and impact well beyond the conclusion of the formal program components. Discover more...
Gain true insight into the future potential of your top talent. Influence for Change (i4c) tailors an approach to fit your organisation, bringing together the best tools and methods with contemporary thinking. We use robust data combined with engaging techniques to suit different talent segments. Discover more...
Connect your teams and organisation with clarity and commitment. Through intelligent organisational design, Influence for Change (i4c) builds pathways to empower your people to perform. Our process reflects and reinforces the values of your organisation and builds trust while delivering high performance.Discover more...

Let's create lasting change. Contact us today.

18 December 2020
The dance with your top talent you didn't know you were about to have. Metaphorically, the sun is shining on Australia right now. Here in Melbourne we continue...More...
23 June 2020
Building a culture of deliberate conversations in your team. Over the years, many teams have achieved a lot by osmosis. The benefits of co-location have meant...More...
23 December 2019
A simple practice for self-care and peak performance in a busy day On the yoga mat this morning I was reminded of the value of the moments ‘in between’. For...More...
Sabine Simonds, Influence for Change (i4C)ople

Principal Consultant and Executive Coach

Sabine has over 25 years direct commercial experience working in the UK, Europe, Asia and Australia. She is deeply committed to creating a legacy of supporting people and organisations to become sustainable, enabling them to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

Grounded and calm, Sabine creates a psychologically safe space to have difficult and vulnerable conversations that lead to profound inner transformation, enabling her clients to view challenges from entirely new perspectives. She helps people and teams become unstuck; empowering them to learn critical, adaptive skills and transform their business and bottom-line results.

Sabine is a trusted advisor who brings wisdom, understanding and authenticity to her client interactions. She encourages her clients to bring their ‘whole person’ to the business challenges they face, find meaning in their experiences and supports them to make bold, courageous changes.

Her clients include c-suite executives and senior leaders of ASX listed and global companies in the engineering, energy, resources, aged care, professional services, insurance, banking & finance, FMCG sectors as well as state and federal government departments.

She is accredited in a wide range of assessment tools including: The Leadership Circle Profile, Leadership Culture Assessment & Leadership System; Team Management Profile; HeartStyles; Lifestyles Index and Values Orientation.

Sabine is also fluent in English and German.

  • Institute of Executive Coaching & Leadership - Executive
    Coaching levels 1, 2 & 3 and Group/Team Coaching
  • Integral Coach
  • Systems Dynamics & Organisational Constellations
Peter Webb, Influence for Change (i4C)le

Principal Consultant and Executive Coach

Peter Webb is a Director of Human Capital Consulting, senior leadership coach, and organisational psychologist with 18 years’ experience designing and delivering organisation development and culture change initiatives for medium to large enterprises and government agencies across the Asia Pacific region. He is internationally recognised for his research and practice in helping leaders make wise decisions under conditions of disruption and complexity.

Peter is passionate about helping individuals, teams and organisations find new forms of thinking, being and acting in the era of digital disruption. Now, more than ever he believes leaders and their teams need wisdom to navigate the new world of work.

Over the past 3 years as Director, Research and Curriculum for the International Centre for Leadership in Finance based in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia he designed, managed and delivered executive education programs for senior executives and top teams across South East Asia in Shipping, Infrastructure Engineering, Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, and Energy.

Peter has acknowledged facilitation skills with top teams in the areas of strategic thinking and planning, team dynamics, and decision making. He demonstrates an ability to interpret a wide range of organisational behaviour frameworks and methodologies and put them into practice.

Since 2001 Peter has been engaged by high profile private and public sector clients for executive coaching and facilitation assignments in Australia, in the professional and financial services industries, state and local governments and in many of Australia’s largest corporations.

Peter’s early career was in human resources management roles in the mining and energy sectors in Western Australia and Queensland. He subsequently gained qualifications in naturopathic clinical medicine and conducted several successful practices in South East Queensland, later taking up training and management roles in the natural pharmaceuticals industry in Australia and North America.

He is accredited in a wide range of assessment tools including: SHL suite, ACER suite, Hogan suite, MLQ, TMP, LSI, TLC, and Extraordinary Leader 360.

  • M.Appl.Sci. (Coaching Psych.) U.Syd.
  • B.Econ Hons (Org. Psych.) U.Qld.
  • B.Naturopathy ACNT
  • Certified Member Aust Psych Society College of Org Psychologist
  • Founding Member European Mentoring & Coaching Council Asia Pacific Region
  • Founding Member International Society of Coaching Psychologists
  • Founding Member U.Syd. Coaching & Mentoring Assoc
Influence 4 Change