Meet the Team

Frank Noonan, Influence for Change (i4C)

Frank Noonan

Principal Consultant

Frank tailors and facilitates workshops to make learning relevant for every participant. He works to respond and adapt to the needs of every group while delivering significant and challenging content.

With a professional background in engineering, IT, project management, Frank brings a fresh perspective to his work as a coach, content designer and workshop facilitator at LTA. For over 25 years he had a successful career with Deutsche Bank, was Managing Director of a management consultancy firm in Ireland, and founder of a business coaching company in London for leaders at all levels.

His first introduction to L&D came at Swinburne University’s School of Business, where he designed and ran leadership workshops, as well as re-launched Swinburne’s successful Diploma courses in Management and HR Management. He brings this breadth and depth of business experience to LTA, where working with clients as diverse as Coles and Carlisle Homes requires a flexible thinking, language and presentation style, and allows him to relate to a very wide audience and communicate in an empathetic way.

Frank loves to see people put learning into practice, in small ways that make a real and positive difference. “After academia, LTA was a breath of fresh air: small, nimble, forward-thinking, challenging, stimulating. Hearing from people who have tried things and got results is a great feeling.” 

  • BEng, Dip Accounting & Finance, Dip Project Management, Grad Cert Applied Business
  • Cert IV Training & Assessment

Frank is certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hay Group’s Emotional Competence Inventory, Prince 2 project management methodology, and is a member of the Australian Institute of Project Managers (MAIPM).

Influence 4 Change